Wednesday, June 28, 2006

I'M BACK ! ! ! !

my my my how time flies when life throws you curve ball after curve ball.

And with that said .... I'M BACK! WOO HOO!!!

And yes, there is no new element to the blog in that I just haven't had time to learn new shit. For one thing, to do so would require me to be on the internet as often as I once was. Sadly, this just isn't so.

But, here I am ... silly ol methodical, logical, irrational, selfish, ol me. Well, I'm not those things all the time ... just add the opposite of that you'll get the well rounded portion of me. Just depends what day.

1. Numerous jobs in a short period of time. Won't go into detail, but I will say this .. working for bitter, whiny old women (not being sexist, but she was a woman) is NOT the best way to go. A word of advice for her "DEAL WITH IT ... and move on."

2. Lost a family member. May he rest in peace. Once again won't go into detail. Let's just say that the poem "Death of an Innocent" holds more truth these days.

3. Working with the roommate at a restaurant. Good times, since he's a manager and usually works til close. Its a blast.

PS: I actually like the job. Bad pay, but I like it. Tells me what I need to know for the restuarant / lounge I WILL own one day. And oh yes, I will own it.

Thus far .. thats all I can think of. But if I continue to write more, I'm sure you'll learn more. Peace out all ... til next time .. enjoy these pics.

1 comment:

Pete said...

I am so glad you are back. The last post had me worried you did something bad. Funny how you can attached to the folks behind these things. As always love the pics.

HOORAY your back. H