Tuesday, October 30, 2007

I'm going home

Why does no one get it? I mean really, when I say leave me alone, then leave me alone.

I just found out that their's a death in the family back home. My best friend from high school who also happens to be my neice (its complicated), her dad passed away.

Funeral news always puts me in a state of mind. And no one really gets it. They always seem to think that gettin me to think of something else, or trying to cheer me is something they HAVE to do. When all I really want is to be left alone. And the more they try, that more it angers me.

So now, immediately after work today (at 2:30 in the morn), I'll be venturing home, and prolly leaving as soon as its done to come back here to Calgary; cause I "have to work". All I really want to do is stay home and visit family and friends, alot of whom I haven't seen in a long time and really miss alot. For most, I can't remember the last time I seen them, for some it has been years.

My head is gone right now. Just so much thinking.

PS: Oddly enough, and I feel kind of bad for thinking it, it is kind of releiving that I'm not going home becuase of a suicide or drinking and driving accident. My cousin died of natural causes.

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