Wednesday, March 30, 2005

My First Date

Well, I'm 23 years old, and I just had my first date with a guy I liked. Unfortunately I don't think it went all that well. For one thing, I'm quiet by nature and he was pilled up on Tylenol 3's (thanks to an accident involving a meat slicer and his finger ... don't worry, it's not that bad). So we ended up watching Phantom of the Opera (, which he watched already, and going for coffee at Starbucks during a blizzard. Damn Alberta weather.

Anyways, the silences seemed nice, almost too perfect that I can have them with him and not have the urge to speak all the time. Plus, he's kind of telepathic ... kind of. There were instances where he would answer a question before I asked it. In fact, thats how we went out. He said yes before I could ask. (just so you know, we were online chatting)

But all this reminds me of my first date, with a girl. It was her Grade Nine Graduation (I know, a big deal just for passing Grade Nine), and her school was taking a trip to West Edmonton Mall ( and she had wanted to watch a movie. Now of all movies she could choose, she chose The Opposite of Sex. Sitting throughout the movie, all I could think was "This HAS to be a sign." We broke up, on my side for obvious reasons; but thank god she cheated on me, cause thats what I blamed it on. lol ... what?! I was 16 at the time. Could you blame me? Don't answer that.

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