Tuesday, February 12, 2008

I quit.

And so I quit. I had too. I couldn't take it anymore, I was tired of working graveyard shifts and tired of sleeping the daylight away. I need to see blue skys and the sun pass us by. I'm tired of sleeping all day and waking just in time to go to work for the evening. I need my social life back (ok ok ok, a wee bit dramatic considering I only worked there for a week). But honestly, the job was boring and not really that challenging ... and full of complete "know it alls". I was especially sick of being told to do something that earlier I was just told not to do, and sick of rolling eyes when I informed someone of this. I swear the next person that would have done it, I would have bitchslapped them so hard their future kids would have felt it. So I quit. It felt good. :-)

One HUGE reason for me quitting ... I was accepted into a trades program that I applied for. Sure I'll have lil money for the next few months, but after then, I'll be working as a First Year Apprentice Carpenter, and raking in the cash. WOO HOO.

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