Monday, February 04, 2008

Just another day

And so I was sitting on the couch at my moms, channel surfing with no destination in mind when I got to thinking, "I feel like a waste, I should do something."

And just then, my 6 year old neice comes running into the living room screaming the most joyous scream I've ever heard, followed by my younger cousins of the same age yelling "I'm gonna get you, I'm gonna get you". And around the coffee table they continue the pursuit, slamming their feet on the floor that echoes throughout the house. My cousin catches up with my neice, and "tags" her and screams "YOUR IT".

Suddenly their direction performs a complete 180 and now my neice is chasing my cousin, yelling "I'M GONNA GET YOU!" The scamper around the coffee table in the opposite direction, and then out of the living room to somewhere else in the house. Their playful screams echo.

All I can think now is "I'm tired."

1 comment:

Bobby Xanadu said...

I miss playing tag. I remember playing when I was a kid. Perhaps a lot of us could learn something by taking the time to remember to "play" more often as adults. LOL Great post. Thanks for sharing...made me smile.