Tuesday, March 06, 2007

... figures ...

And so yesterday, I FINALLY got my gym membership back. After months and months of wanting it (but being able to afford it), I finally got it back. For my shiny gym, got my back all ready to go with gym essentials; and today at work I didn't even mind working an hour longer as a favour simply because right afterward, I was off to the gym. Ya see, I hadn't realised how much I missed until I got the new card. I'm telling you, I was pumped. I was jammin to my new Ipod that I got for christmas (that work, my mom and myself paid for) as I took the train to the YMCA and even downloaded new dance beats for the half hour on the cross trainer. All was well until after the shower.

I walked back to my locker, still somewhat dripping, wrapped in a towel .. and opened it up. I reached down to grab my pants, not realising that my undershirt was already on the floor. It wasn't until I noticed my pants was missing that I noticed everything in the locker was out of place. My pants was gone, with the money in it, and my wallet in it. My favorite belt was gone (since it was on the pants). Realising what had happened, and deeply pissed off, I moved my red ball cap to discover the inevitable. My Ipod was gone. My 30gig Ipod Video ... gone. All my favorite tunes and video podcasts, gone.

I had gone down to report what had happened. Turns out that I wasn't the only one. And their excuse for it all, Aboriginal Youth night for basketball took place that day. What does one say to that? Especially when one is Aboriginal in the first place.

A friend I had waited for sure made the poor girl feel bad, since he pointed out that I am Aboriginal. And made her feel worse when he told her it was my first time back since I bought my membership yesterday. I wonder what she would have felt like when I also mentioned I lost my home just one week ago?

PS: as for the pic, perhaps my Ipod just wasn't that into me?


Unknown said...

When it rains it pours... I am sooo sorry about your luck at the gym... Things will get better, chin up! Deep breaths... Maybe check on yoga classes... sounds like we both need to kick the good karma in the ass... My best to you!

DEREK said...

I'm looking foward to getting back in the gym myself. I started back running Jan 1st of this year, and have kept it up every other day. So after the Gate River Run, it's time to tone it all up.
