Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter

For those who were able to make it home this past weekend and spend time with your families for the Easter holiday, I hope ya had a great time. I unfortunately spent my very first Easter alone.

You know, it wasn't all that bad. The weather was finally nice, and I merely just drove around the city.

Year after year, my mom has a family dinner at her home and does her best to have games ready for the kids and treats and everything. She's always looking out for family, to the point that its expected now. She knows very well that she doesn't have to do it every year, but she likes it.

As I sat reminicsing about Easter year after year, I was over come with a hunger for ham and turkey and mashed potatoes. Yet my hunger didn't stop there. I also starved the chaos of numerous younglings running and screaming and crying and begging and just merely being kids. I longed for the incessant noise that I usually escaped by sleeping in my moms room, only for the kids to barge the door open screaming along the way, and upon seeing me lay on the bed, they would turn to each other pressing a finger against their lips telling each other to be quiet .. and STILL play in the room. They are the cutest kids I know, all my neices and nephews and god sons and cousins.

I yearned for familiar faces passing along the same jokes they've told for years. The same camaderie between me and my male cousins and uncles expressed with gawdy jokes and homophobic comments. I miss from the bottom of my heart how a child will look familiar year after year and get taller and taller at the same time.

And one final thing I miss ... grabbing the last stale Pepsi that is hidden in the pantry; hidden in the same spot year after year, next to the spare christmas wrapping paper that will be used next year. But not only grabbing the last warm pepsi, but the wrath that ensues afterward upon being caught by my younger sister.

The tought of holiday meals supplied my hunger, and so I pulled into the nearest drive thru.

I miss home.

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