Saturday, April 22, 2006


And the hunt continues. Which is kind of odd and suiting since I always feel like I'm on the hunt for something, even though have the time I don't know what it is I'm actually looking for. Meh, such is life for I.

So anyways, I did land a job awhile back. I was a cook for Boston Pizza .. for a day. Ah yes, the thrill of proportioning pasta and making sure that everything is perfect. Sure, would have been a job I liked, but I went and did something unexpectedly. I quit. The next day I was to work early in the morning (its early becuase I'm never up that early), and while half asleep, I called work and quit. lol Lets just say I do odd things and say odd things and say odd things while asleep. Add that motor skills ... I'm bound to do shit. So yeah, I quit while half asleep and remembered it as a dream. I awoke after that, hours later, and when I realised what time it was I remembered "the dream".

I've never gone back there since, lol.

Offly enough though, that same say I finally got a hold of a company I was trying to work for for many months now. They called, and arranged and interview. Had I been at work, I never would have got the call. So I guess it all worked out. Even though I'm still unemployed and broke at the moment, and rent is due.

I can go on and on about whats been happening, but lets just say that there is still no light at the end of the tunnel. But no worries, I'm still looking for it. For now, I'll just take baby steps in this tunnel with my one match for light.

Take care.

1 comment:



Is it better to not know what it is you are looking for, or better actually knowing, or thinking you know, as it might actually turnout to be? Hmmmmmmm....

Well, I am someone who has seemed to know what he's been looking for most of his life ...But unable to grasp it! So, dude, I think you might be better of not knowing, and just learning as you go along this incredible journey we call "LIFE".