Saturday, June 30, 2007

Secret #3

I LOVE MOVIES!!!! And I don't think I can stress that enough. I ... LOVE ... MOVIES.

Always have, ever since I was a wee kid laying at the top of the staircase watching the movie my parents were watching (not porn, you sicko) when I was supposed to be asleep. I grew up with HBO's movie central; which was very rare back home since HBO was an American Channel and I am obviously Canadian.

My parents, back in my childhood days, had the satellite that was so massive it took up the entire backyard. I was a country kid, so it was a big yard anyways; we had the space.

And my obsession grew and carried on well into my high school years when friends and I would plan trips to the city just to watch the latest blockbuster at multiplexes. Even in my last year of highschool, when all my friends were already in college (or moving on with life after highschool), I would travel to the nearest city where friends had moved too and we would have a movie night out, the bunch of us sitting in front of a small tv with munchies in hand, laying on the floor with blankets spread out and pillows as head and back rests. Those were the days.

Even to this day, when I travel back home, conversation always turns to, at some point or other, "Have you seen blah blah blah yet?"

I still love movies. I even took film history in college. Hell, I'm even planning on going to Vancouver Film School and checking out the school while I'm at Vancouver Pride this year.

My obsession for movies kind of sucks right now, cause right now I have no one to watch movies with.

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