Friday, November 16, 2007

Sheeps Clothing

I remember, somethime ago, I had conquered something. It took alot of hard work, and alot of patience and faith. But I did it. I remember the feeling it gave me, and how happy I was that I conquered it. I just never thought it would be back.

The most unbareable feeling of all, loneliness, is back. I sit here, just back from work where I closed the restaurant by myself, and I realise that everything I do seems to be in that manner; by myself. Everyday, while I talk amongst those I work with .... I've come to realise, people who don't really know me. People I don't really know myself.

But for the most part, I walk as an empty shell.

Its not that some'thing' is missing ... in fact, alot is missing.

I miss my family whom I'm missing out on so much on. I miss my friends back home, my mom and my dad, and all my neices and nephews that I never see. I miss being recognised. I hate being nothing but a speck of dust. I hate it that I don't matter. I hate being used.

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