Monday, May 07, 2007

Weekend Update with LoneWolf

This past weekend, was all in all a weekend, lol. I really don't know how to explain my events these days. But when one works a week, mixed hours ranging from opens to closes for a restaurant, and actually has weekends off (imagine that for the restaurant industry) .. the weekends are definately worth waiting for. And a time you really want to relax if not busting lose. Anyways, mine was a lil bit o both.

Friday, FINALLY Watched Children of Men ... wow. And Smokin Aces, unnecessary violence makes it VERY necessary for me to watch. If you love action that hints towards gore, then Smokin Aces is for you. If complex storylines and complex twists just aren't for you, then skip it.

Saturday; karaoke and meeting with a friend. God she is an amazing singer, self trained too .. lucky bitch, lol.

Sunday: SPIDERMAN 3 ... YOO HOO. Very dark in the Spiderman franchise, but when you consider the origin of his black suit, it kind of has to be. I loved that it was heavy in the CG effects.

And now .. here I am. Weekend done, still awake at 1:30 in the morning when I have to work at 9am ... And I've decided that I am now going to look for a job. I mean, my restaurant is having renovations done so I would have to look for another job anyways, and I can't STAND my manager and assistant kitchen manager since they like to leave early and have excuses for everything and anything imaginable (plus, I'm a hands on type of management kind of guy whereas they dictate and delegate). So, I will be leaving soon. But at least I get to leave with a title on my resume, lol. Here's to job hunting ... CHEERS.

PS: I bought a basketball ... one sport I was never really good at but still loved to play. AND (I feel like a goof for this), apparently there is a basketball hoop just around my apartment building, lol. Here's some pics .. hope your weekend was great. Have a good monday.

PSS: These are not my pics, just a few more my favs from

1 comment:

Unknown said...
