Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Gotta love ... the guitar

I envy ThoughNot ... really, I do. He's sexy, appears to be a great guy (if your reading, I'm sure you are, but I'm in the habit of never saying something that implies that I either know you or met you, because I don't and I haven't), has a career instead of a job, great friends and can play the guitar. For most part, I he's cool because he plays the guitar. I want to play, heck I even own a guitar .. but can't play a single tune if my life depended on it. Of course it should be stated that I don't practice or even play around with it seeing as I'm never home (if you seen my apartment, you'd know why). Instead, there's a black acoustic guitar standling idley by in the corner of an empty apartment, patiently waiting to make beautiful music. Patiently waiting for me. Such a loyal instrument. My mom bought for me as a christmas present last year, but was actually meant to be purchased the christmas of 2003, Since I wait that long, you'd think I'd be playing that beautiful instrument every chance I got.

And someday, I will play. And someday after that, I'll write my own shyte. And another day after that, I'll get denied to play some actual shows, lol ... I know how the biz works. And besides, I want to play and write for the sake of playing and writing. Money, fame ... keep it. Would be nice to have, don't get me wrong, but its not top priority in my life. Expression is what I long for, artistic expression. And the only outlet for that is karaoke where I sing other people's songs, and the blog where I recycle other people's pics. But someday, I'll have something that is mine, created and expressed by me.

And on the note of good music ... good ol ThoughtNot (omigod, did I just call him old? meh, I'm 23, everyone's old to me *runs as quick as he can from the flying debris of bottles and fruits and whatever every old geezer could hurl at him*) always has a great selection in his blog. I wasw archiving through and found somewhere Gun's N Roses song 'Patience'. Talk about nostalga ... brought right back to when I was just a kid (yes, even younger than I am now), I'm talking about 6-8 yrs old young. My older bro actually sang that song as karaoke with his hockey buds. Were they any good? Fugg if I know. Who knows they certain songs, or smells or colours bring about certain memories. They just do. I'll find it sometime and recycle it here at Stitch.

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