Wednesday, July 20, 2005

2 muscle studs in 1 day

Okay ... so I'm definately not str8. Yesterday, for the first time ever in my life, I felt a female boob. (What?! What did you think I was going to say?...) Apparently quite a big boob too. Firm and the same size as the its partner in crime. But it did nothing for me, AT ALL! And besides, I only felt it because she felt mine (which apparently are also firm and nice, that I never knew). So yeah, thats all the proof I need to know that females got coodies.

What a day today. Was late for work (not like thats anything new) and as I hopped into the elevator and on the way down it stopped on the 10th floor. Open doors, in walks the most gorgeous muscle stud to walk the earth. (Jaw literally drops) In my building, and I've never seen him before. Needless to say I wanted to do to him what the elevator was doing, going down. Totally hot, summer shorts the barely concealed a firm butt, a ball cap (which screams sexy all alone on the right guys), complete with sleeveless shirt that exposed his huge ripped arms (god I would love to see him after a workout). mmmmm ... I only hope I can see him again. If I wasn't so tired, I'd say hi; comment on the morning, said anything to strike a convo. But only got a chance to look into his eyes and drift away. Then bam, ground floor and he is gone; sadly not in the direction I was going. Other wise I could have stared at that butt all day.

A few minutes later, still on my journey to work ... instead of walking the streets to get to my building I decide to take Calgary's Plus 15 (downtown is connected together on the 2nd floor with numerous hallways the connect each of the buildings). I take this route because I'm late and I don't want to be later due to traffic and red lights. And frankly, I'm very very glad I did. Walking through one of the connecting hallways, I walk past yet ANOTHER totally hot stud. Tooth pick in mouth, definately a muscle stud, wearing black jeans with a belt that glimmered with metal (I have no idea what those are called) which only drawed attention to a firm ass. Two muscle boys, two moments of eye contact, two firm butts; in one day ... and its only 9:30am. I already love this day.

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