Thursday, July 14, 2005

Fuggin yadda yadda yadda

Its 5:45, or 5:41 ... whatever really. Point is that I'm supposed to be done at 5pm, on the button, on the the fucking dime. 45 minutes later, I'm still here. Funny thing is, its a fuggin law firm, and I'm the last one to leave. I'm not even a lawyer. Its not like I'm working on some important case at the moment, I just don't wanna go home. I really don't like my roommate. When he looks at me, its like he puts me down or something. Whats really funny though is that I barely see the guy. He's never home when I get home, I'm not home when he gets home. We're just two people who live in the same apartment. I don't hate the guy I must say. I just don't like how I feel when I'm around him. I think he reminds me of myself, or at least of the part of myself that I don't like.

He's quiet as hell. Doesn't say a damn word, other than "Wanna play fooz ball?" AND, he asks me to keep a consistent shower time in the morning. To that all I can say is FUCK OFF! What kind of question is that anyways? Can you keep a consistent shower time, pft. Oh, and his ball caps can lie on the floor, or sit on the couch for days on end. Mine are strategically placed on my bedroom door handle after not moving from the floor of couchs for ONE FUCKING DAY. He watches Soap opera's .... I guess theres nothing wrong with that. But he tapes them in the day, so I can't watch TV when I go home for lunch (and I take a late lunch always) because fucker still has VHS. VHS?! Who the hell still has VHS?

I'm just annoyed. Totally annoyed. I'm here at work, 5:45, and I'm only here because I don't want to go home. If I do, I have to be quiet while he watchs his SOAP's. I'm like "Dude, you taped it. Why can't I watch TV now and you can watch when your precious stories when I leave? Trust me, I am leaving because you're one boring mutherfucker."

Nah, I wouldn't say that. Thats just too mean for my taste. But God knows I feel that.

BTW, Geekslut is back. I've known about this for some time. I used to read his shit before even I started the mediocre blog of mine. I've linked him as well. I've never emailed him, but he sounds like one cool mutha.

Okay ... I'll be reading this later, and I know that when I do, this post will sound like one pissed off homo whose directing his anger to whichever way it can go. So what is one angry fag to do? Normally, if I were reading this and it was someone elses blog, I'd think "Fuck off, get over you fucking drama queen." So maybe I should take my own advice.

Whatever, what the fuck do I know anyways?


joey said...

I once had a roommate like that. Drove me friggin nuts. One day he asked me what I was always muttering under my breath - so I told him. Justifiable Homicide. Luckily I was able to move out on my own two months later.

Scott said...

Hey, Fun site. Keep it up and congrats with the weight loss.

My bf was just in Calgary on business during the Stampede and took a bunch of pics. It looks and sounds like a freak show. But a real friendly freakshow because it's Canadian.