Monday, July 18, 2005

Homeless Intelligence

This weekend ... well well well, what can I say. Full of events that I never planned. Slowly but surely I'm starting to feel like Calgary could be my home. And thats mainly due in part to small random events that have been happening that are in return making my life worth talking about (aside from back a few months ago when the same shit would happen over and over again that you can answer the question "Whats new?" with a look).

Anyways, had nothing planned this past weekend. Yet, got a porblem resolved; and a apology out of it (DAMN RIGHTS, no one disrespects me like that). Seen an old bud from back home whom I haven't seen for months. He's still a crazy mutha, gotta love it. Met a guy who was totally into me (that rarely ever happens), very unfortunate that I could not return the feelings. Went to a random bar, and actually met up with people I knew. WOW! Saw "The Trews" in concert ... AWESOME. Intentionally missed Kalan Porter's concert (he may be cute, but cute just doesn't cut it for me ... if he can't tell the difference from changing car oil from transmission fluid, then SEE YA!). And old friend came into town, one whom I haven't seen for a year but have known for three. Apparently he didn't even know that its been a year. And actually had an intellectual conversation with a homeless man.

So I was walking home on friday night/saturday morning. Just came from a very depressing visit to a bar (which was actually dead). Not like I was depressed, moreso pissed off that none of my plans that day worked out. Oh well, booo-urns on that night. Anyways, I was walking home, a lil drunk (not overly, the walk was actually sobering me up). When I ended up talking to this homeless guy. I don't know how that happened, usually I look lost in thought just to avoid these guys. But there was something different about him. Maybe it was the fact that he was banging on a drum (definately not home-made nor thrown out). And given his whole attire, he seemed cultured for a homeless man. Banging on a hand drum you'd most likely find in Africa, wearing beads that were not of the norm; and I can tell that there were countless thoughts and theories roaming around in his head.

We made small chit chat as he asked for smoke. Being native myself, its rarely in my nature to say no when one asks for a cigarette (although it has happened). And apparently I said something to spark his interest in me ... maybe it was that I told him which bar I came from that he apparently knew was gay owned and operated. Or, maybe it was something else. In either case, he offered me a coffee. A HOMELESS GUY OFFERED ME A COFFEE. If that is not the oddest thing ever, I don't know is.

On the way to Timmie's (Tim Hortons), we chatted about "The Lost Boys of Sudan" (click this posts headline, the link is there), the theory that Shakespeare's works were written by a group of people as oppose to just one guy ... Burrows (which at the time I didn't know what he was talking about, but it could have been gay writer Augusten Burroughs), and theories about group membership within society (brought about by the fact that I was native and gay) and judgement with labels (because apparently I look neither native nor gay). Nevertheless, for a homeless guy, he was quite intelligent. He even mentioned that there was this philosopher who is well known for theories (I just wish I can remember what theories) but is barely known for the fact that he wrote about them while high.

Kind of sad though, how so much information and intelligence at hand and he can still make it nowhere. Apparently he does write articles and such here and there ... but, just figures he should be doing so much more.

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