Wednesday, July 06, 2005

David Sutcliffe

There was this one actor that had a very distinguished look that I just couldn't get him out of my mind. I can't remember the roles he played, but he always portrayed confidence, intelligence with sexiness very very well. I kept on seeing him on Gilmore Girls where I really got my dosage of him (my sister loved that show, and so did my mom so naturally when I went home to visit for a few days I was forced to watch it too ... and shhh when I say this, it is quite good).

Anyways, thanks to 20 Sumthing ... I've discovered who he is. David Sutcliffe. Upon researching the guy, I've also finally pinpointed where else I've always seen him. There was a show called "I'm with Her" where a teacher starts dating a famous actress. Wasn't a bad show, and I don't know if it was cancelled or anything, but I can never find it now. He was one of the principal characters .... actually, considering the title, the show was about him.

And so, I've also discovered a movie called Testosterone. Now, sure I may be the last one to know this. God knows I was probably the last homo alive to discover the Scissor Sisters. But I'm sharing this anyways. Besides, I haven't posted about pop culture or anything of the sort in a long time. Plus, I'm kind of hoping the link in the headline works (psst, thats your cue to click the headline, there's a link there).

David Sutcliffe stars in this movie, and I wish I can review it ... but I've never seen it. Although, judging from the pic in the link'd headline (really you should have checked it out by now), I really really REALLY want to see it. Sutcliffe asleep in bed .... ain't that sweet?

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