Monday, July 04, 2005


simple title, didn't feel the need to go all fancy and shit.

When one thinks of relationships, what usually comes into mind are the granduer relationships; people we know who have made a difference in our lives. Mothers, fathers, siblings, loved ones, yadda yadda yadda. Usually what's overlooked are the simple ones that make life pleasant and joyful. For example ....

I was in a small city for school for four years. And because I wasn't really comfortable with myself back then I hadn't really made any friends. And I used to dwell on that like a homeless dog staring at a steak in someone elses possession. But nevertheless, relationships did arise. And it wasn't until the final summer of the last year I was there that I realised it. I was walking up to the Second Cup coffee shop near the library, and as I apprached the clerk (her name was "Kelly") she merely smiled pulled out a large coffee cup and rung it in before I even approached the counter. "And she knows," I jestered.

"It's been 3 YEARS!" she exclaimed. "Your a plain ol' predictable joe."

"Three years," I thought bewildered. "Really?"

And the more I thought about it, the more I realised that she was right. Its been three years for her, but four years for me at the college. And although I was in a college I "ended up" in (as oppose to actually choosing it), and although I was in a state of mind where I really didn't want to meet anyone anyways; it was the small, random, forces of nature relationships that helped me get through my day. Which in return helped me get through the years (until I was "asked" not to return for a year, which I'm still happy about). The brief encounters that are simply overlooked; the smiles on strangers faces, and the pleasant hello's from the professors down to the janitors did make a difference. It all meant something, even if just a fraction so small.

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