Monday, May 30, 2005


I finally figured out what the strange man following me around is after. Lately, vague images of a person have been catching my eye. I usually spot him in the corner of my eye where I shows himself as a person in black. And I don't mean in black clothes, but a black man. And no I don't mean a black man as in from Africa or anything like that; what I mean is he is pitch black from head to toe. All you can make out from seeing him is that he is a man. No facial features, no eyes to see, nor mouth to speak from. And since I'm seeing this figure from the corner of my eye, it realise that this isn't saying much. But I know he's there.

And I now know what he wants. He's after my smokes, my cancer sticks, my stress releivers; the very thing that makes me cool. He's after my cigarettes. And he's gotten them a few times too. Whole packs would go missing after only smoking about half the pack. And no matter where I am, at home or in a club or just walking down the street, he would snatch my smokes right out from under me without me knowing until its already too late.

Damn him I say. He's already costed me money, money that I don't have. Pack after pack after pack.

You know, if he really needs a smoke, he could just ask. And then when I say no, he can at least steal from me out of spite. But the whole stealing for no reason bit, it just pisses me off. I mean, why does he need my smokes, he doesn't even have a mouth. Sheesh.

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