Thursday, May 26, 2005

rollercoaster with a great end

meh ... one of those days where I really have no idea what to say. Usually I can prophesize about this is and that (opps, I mean philosophize is that even a word? huh, I boggled my own mind, who knew?]) But today is just blah.

In either case, the Trade/Career Show was a success ... however my memory is not. I've networked and talked and chatted with numerous peep's, but I just can't remember their names, and got no business cards. And I say I have an innate sense of business in my blood. YEAH RIGHT! I'd say, if I needed to explain my lack of memory recall, that I was distracted immensely (alrighty, my trying to sound intelligent is just ... whack) by my friends and family whom I haven't seen in AGES.

Since I moved from Dead Deer, Alberta (Red Deer) I haven't had time to chill and relax. As soon as classes ended, I moved to start another job here in Calgary and had no time to go home and visit loved ones. So it was great seeing them all.

But I was also distracted by the news of deaths and sick ones. Far too many have died in this past month in my small hometown of 3000+ people. It actually takes two hands to count the incident's. But on the plus side of life, my relatives and I celebrated my Grandma's 75 B-Day. What a strong women she is. Raising 9 kids, all of whom average 5 kids each, where 2-3 of those kids have 1-2 kids of their own (I'm not one of those people, being gay and all its kind of a challenge to have children), so it was quite the celebration. Good 'ol feast followed by a teadance (native celebrations are the best). What better way to respect your elders, especially those who are the rope in keeping the family, young and old, together with their heart of Gold. Love ya Kokum. Love ya always.

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