Thursday, May 19, 2005

Erased a post

Had to erase a blog due to the fact that I allowed a co-worker to take a peek, and I totally didn't not realised that I had mentioned something that should not have been mentioned. For those who read it, lucky you. I never thought I would erase anything from this ... but of course no one can see whats to come.

Nevertheless, as a result I've realised the whole appeal of Blogs and as to why I like them so much. It was the anonymous aspect of it all. Even though you didn't know a person, they were sharing an aspect of themselves with the world, or those who would stumble on the blog. And I ruined that. And its not really a bad thing, its just now I have to be careful about what I post. So from here on in, due to professionalism, there will be no postings about work, even if they are just thoughts inside my head.

And I've also realised another reason I like blogs, its because it can be used a a creative output for ones creative energies. Photography and music and poems and short stories can find an audience on the world wide web, and I've always considered myself an artistic soul. I could just never capture it all in whatever media I chose to use. Plus I haven't the resources to do what I want, nor the money or connections to obtain those resources. But alas, someday I will.

So, Main points here:

1) No more postings about work
2) I'll save money so that I can do what I really want to do
3) Its always best to realise why you like what you like so's you can maintain it.

..... ok, I think thats it.

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