Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Attraction and the Lack There Of ...

I was out last night, karaoke again ... what do you really expect from a karaoke queen such as myself. (did I just refer to myself as a queen ... ah shit, I did ... someone slap me) And I was hanging with buds .. bar buds, when I've noticed something that struck me as odd. I looked around at the demeanor of all the fellow bar partons and analysed their body language and their smiles and their comments and overall ... just watched them. I'm a people watcher .. its what I do. And what struck me, what really stood out was their flirting demeanor to one another. Whom ever they found attractive they immediately began the flirting game. No whats odd about this is that I wasn't attracted to any of them. Not one person in that bar did I actually find appealing on a sexual level. Not one person stood out from the crowd that I absolutely had to meet. No attraction .. to anyone.

And as the karaoke session ended .. I, with a good friend and his bf, made our way to another bar. Now this is different ... same scenario but just different. At the previous bar, I had no sexual attraction to guys I somewhat knew. At the next bar, I had no sexual attraction to strangers. What hit me like a brick wall was that I've noticed that I'm not attracted to anyone lately. Seeing random guys around town and whatever, and I'm attracted to no one. Sure I'm horny as frick, but the main attraction isn't there. I can handle the horniness on my own (wink wink).

What does this mean? Sure I pass guys that can be defined as hot ... but I don't classify them as such. Sure they're good looking and all .. but I'm not about to pounce them at the first given chance. I'm just not attracted to anyone. Me wonder's if this will ever change.

*** *** ***

ON ANOTHER NOTE ... I've been invited to a karaoke event that supposedly is mainly attended by musicians and songwriters. Songwriter's Inc is what its called. And I've been invited by the host to attend. How frickin cool is that?

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