Friday, April 15, 2005

My Kind of Guy

I've only ever dated one guy, and that only lasted two dates. I liked the guy, but he wasn't really my type. I don't know what my type is ... but I just felt that he wasn't it. And that got me to thinking, What Is My Type?

Only one word comes to mind, Ruff Guff. Ruff, scruffy looking guys, with stuble and and bit of meat on their bones. I was never really into the twink's of the world, no offense to anyone. But anyone my sister can beat up, just doesn't cut it for me. If my sister is more manly that anyone I'll be dating ... then I know its not going to work out. And I'm not saying that the last (and only at the moment) guy I dated was a twink or any less of a man. He just wasn't my type. By the way, my sister is 15 yrs old.

But, to the point. Here is what I see.
  • Short almost buzzed cut hair.
  • Dirty blonde or brunette (either or).
  • Tall, about 6'0-6'4.
  • Muscular (not too muscular, but lean and more than average).
  • I'm crazy about goatees and stuble.
  • A guy who loves movies just a much as I do. (here's an example, Quenton Tarantino has been inspired by Akira Kirosawa [a japanese director who passed away just recently] and that can be seen by the cinematography used, but more so found in the Kill Bill series; especially to what "Bill" is watching on the television when he and the Bride finally meet and engage in their showdown).

Okay, doesn't have to be a cinemaphile like I am. But a mere interest in movies would be great.

  • Must at least like music in relation to the likes of "Theory of a Deadman" or any R&B hits, not just Briteny Spears, Madonna and Cher.
  • Oh, and he can play the guitar (and sing).
  • Definate music related soul.
Okay, now thats all I see.

hmmmm ... lets see if the universe will let me meet such a match.

And with this in mind, I've decided to set aside on the side bar of this page, a section called Ruff Guff. Here I will place profiles of guys that I definately like, and they may be from the same blogs I frequent on a daily basis. Maybe when I'm part way through with this I can see what my type is.

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