Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Alright, some serious sh!t now. I don't know how this happens, but I usually find myself in situations like this.

I have an older brother. He's 5 years older than me, and has four kids. For someone whose 5 years older than me, we look pretty damn similar. His girlfriend is currently in school, so he's the only one working for the family. His two oldest are kids from another girlfriend, and he takes care of them as much as he can (they live with their mother quite a distance aways). Anyways, Here's the situation ... my brother was caught speeding. And he has warrants out for him because of previous tickets AND he has no drivers licsence. So, he decides to use my name to the police and lies that he doesn't have any identification on him. If he told the truth, the police would know he's lying about being me.

Now, this isn't the first time he's ever done this. He's used my name with the police on numerous occasions, and I can gaurantee you that he's never paid any of the tickets he's gotten on my name. But, whats different this time, is that I actually had a warrant out for my arrest at that time. (I didn't pay a fine in time) And he got picked up for me .... but I must say that I TOLD him about this. He knew about this little factiod about me. And he still used my name.

Our mom, bailed him out the next day. And now he's saying he did me a favor. WTF?! Its not like I asked him too. And now I owe my mom for money she used to bail him out for unlawfully using my name. My business was my business, and would have stayed my business if he chose to deal with his.

And now, I have another speeding ticket for 150 bucks, and a demirit on MY liscence because of him. And to get it cleared from my name, means I have to go to the city he got pulled in, report that it wasn't me, and they'll check it out. Meaning, they'll investigate and find out he impersonated someone else. Okay, now thats obstruction of the law, yet another charge on his name, impersonating someone who isn't him, and I'm sure there's a charge for that, plus speeding and driving without a valid liscence, and he'll probably get picked up by the police for it. And this may in fact effect my mother as well, for she went to bail him out. I don't know if the police will charge my mom with anything at all.

I'm in school, full time, trying to get my degree. He's working, full time, taking care of his family. My mom, well, she just doesn't deserve sh!t like this. So what is one to do?


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