Thursday, September 08, 2005

And It Makes Sense

I love reading stories online, especially well written ones. And with that said, KUDOS over at 20-Sumthing. Its the kind of story that just got me thinking, a story of a young gay lad who just realised he's gotten what he wished for.

That actually got me thinking. Have I ever received anything that I wished for. And so I back tracked to the time in my life where I was the loneliest. And my life now in comparison to then has been phenomenal. I'm in a new city, living a gay life as opposed to a suppressed one, always meeting new people; losing weight naturally (sure I go to the gym, but I haven't been in two months, and I'm still losing weight), and everything just seems to go my way lately (except for financial matters, but I'll blog about that at another time, perhaps ...)

But 20-Sumthing's story about Jay (which oddly enough is my nickname back home) is mainly focused on finding a b/f. Now that I don't have. I'm still ol single me, which is great becuase I feel I need to establish myself as a young gay lad and I need to find out where I'm going in life anyways. But, back to the question "have I receieved anything I wished for?", and in regards to men ... actually yes I have. I was actually blown away when I discovered this too, I haven't realised it until I read 20-Sumthing's blog.

Awhile back, I posted a "What Kind Of Guy's Are My Type" themed posting. Back then, I didn't know for sure but still knew enough as to what would ... well, turn me on essentially. And frankly, here it is in a nutshell ... you can click the headline to get to the original posting.

- short hair, dirty blonde or brunette
- tall, 5'11 - 6'3
- stocky, husky build (no fem's ... no offense, just does nothing for me)
- music related soul
- confident and outgoing (added)

And the realisation is that the guy I'm crushin on, theguy whom I also know really likes me too, is the epidemy of what I saw that day. Remind you, this post was made back in April, it is now Sept and I'm in a new city and an entirely new setting. Well, thank you universe. I don't know what to do with this information now, especially since I'm just coming to terms that perhaps I should day good-bye (or "see you later" is probably a better standpoint) to my crush. All that, and I find out he's the one I wished for. WHAT'S UP WITH THAT?!

(U P D A T E !!! After reading the entire story, I don't feel as if I'm 'Jay', for I don't feel as if my crush completes me as oppose to the character's boyfriend. My crush does fill some empty portion of me and for sure allows me to feel something more than I have ever felt before, but I'm not young and I know I need to be complete on my own before I'm "with" anyone else. ... I just needed to say that. ON ANOTHER NOTE ... still awesome writing, I feel as if Jay in the story is about to make a big mistake in throwing himself entirely at his new beau and in his attempt to not sound crazy, he inadverntly WILL sound crazy. Almost obsessed ... now me wonders if I'll be wrong ...)

1 comment:

Lone_Wolf said...

WHATS GOING ON HERE? Soliciting on blog comment site ... now there's a brand new low ....