Monday, January 23, 2006

Man of 1,000 Words ...

A man of a thousand words, but barely speaks one; these were the words of the ex this past weekend. Yes, that means I spent more time with him .. but I needed someone. And had no one else to call .. he is the only person who could and would be there for me. You see, I got the flu this past weekend. I was bedridden, all weekend up until sunday afternoon. Friday evening and all of Saturday passed in a snap cause I was drifting in and out of consciousness. He called me up on friday, and I answered, to his surprise (I'm usually out by the time he gets off work). I told him I was sick and how bad it was .. and he offered to come over. He wondered if I needed someone ...

Now I'm not one to show vulnerability .. and considering he and I are considered broken up, I was rather hesitant. But, I was sick. My head throbbed as my body ached with the slightest movement. I was freezing cold as my body produced the heat of a powerplant. And I live alone. I live alone in a city where I have no family nearby. As sick as I ever could be, and I was alone. So when he called, and asked if I needed anyone .. how could I refuse? Plus he wanted to be there for me. I was there for the three times he was ill, I just thought he wanted to repay it all. And boy, he sure did.

He came over after his work on friday by about midnight, made me tea, tried to get me to eat and made sure I covered up in excessive amounts of blankets. The next day, while I lay weak in bed, he stayed over pretty much all day. And over at my place thats quite the task as I have no computer (and no internet) and no cable. Any DVD's I do have he's already watched. So he cleaned my apartment. Thoroughly might I add. Nearly spotless from top to bottom. All the while me drifting in and out of consciousness.

I was so sick .. and he stayed all weekend. Well until this morning (monday). Friday night until monday morning, the ex stayed with me until I got better.

Man of a 1,000 words .. but barely speaks one. Next post you'll see what that means ...

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