Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Am I there?

There are days when I wonder if I've reached where it is I'm supposed to be. And when the thought lingers, a small depression makes itself known to me. "Is this all there is? Is this all there is meant to be? No. It can't be."

"Then again, what is there right now? Do I fully recognise what it is thats before me, or am I blind to the world?"

By now I've figured out that I'm not seeing something. I'm not doing what it is I'm supposed to do and have as of yet realised in what direction I need to go to attain it. For the most part, its like the picture above. I've reached the end. What I've been doing thus far has taken me to the ocean, and yet my heart desires to cross it. But everything I am doing at this moment will not take me there. Everything I know at this moment will not take me there. And so I stand, on the beach, staring over the horizon. Wanting. But ready to accept that I will no longer go any further. I stand in desire, without realising that all I have to do .. is build a boat.

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